Shipping & Delivery

Shipping and Delivery:

Once you’ve placed an order, you will receive an email to confirm your order details, including shipping and delivery estimates for each item. Once your item has been prepared for shipment or shipped, you will receive a Shipment Notification email with carrier and tracking information.

  • Metro delivery within 3-5 business days
  • Remote delivery within 5-10 business days

– Important Notes

  1. Please make sure your delivery address (NO PO Box, or POD Box) is correct and your mobile number has been registered in your Toysmaster account just in case the delivery company can get access to you if they can’t find your address, then the buyer needs to pay for the extra delivery.
  2. If you find any delivered parcels damaged, please don’t sign or accept the parcels. Otherwise, we may not be able to refund from the courier company for you.

Delivery Fee

The Delivery fee will depend on the size and weight of the goods and your delivery address. We list the shipping fee on the checkout page for every item.

We use the right courier companies to deliver your goods at the best rate.

Note: If the listed shipping fees are not right for any reason, we have the right to correct them at any time, and the customers who have made the order will be informed by email for reconsideration.

– Delivery Time

Goods will only be dispatched within 2 working days once the full payment (including the correct courier charge) is received. If you do not receive your parcel within 5 Working days after payment is made, please contact us.

When you give authority to leave, you’re allowing our carriers to leave the package unattended at your address without a signature.

Can I change my delivery address after my order has been placed?

No, you can’t change your delivery address once your order has been placed.

Once you receive your shipping confirmation email, it may be possible for the carrier to change your delivery address or redirect your order. Please contact the carrier directly.

PICKUP: No pickup is available at this stage.

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